Episode 3: How to Leave Yourself to Lead Yourself

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This kid, one kid, at night, he whispered, his life's dismembered, and he won't remember, carved in the inner chamber, written such and such, as a way drunk. Now watch the next step, it's quick to shift, forget this shit, masquerade a raider, raise a fist, answer like you listen. I'm going to now, sense a start, I won't stop, in a hurry, hopefully I've broken that song, a song by the bond, with more tongue, and became hung, from the first breath, from words, when I was young, by the thumb-press, of tomorrow's sun-dressed dawn.
With more tongue, and become hung, from the first breath, from words, when I was young. I shift plates, I'm walking on drum banks, it's aimless that we think to cooperate, it's pointless to articulate, so for words we spit daily, I say flip the script I hate, call the ruckus and split our bitching maybe, if dead kiss was a stroke away, I'd be a step away, for now I'll masquerade, to masquerade, the fun of arguing plates, face to face. Hey, how's it going, it's Corbin, and I am back, here to talk to you, my fellow audience and listeners, it's Wednesday, this might be the best episode so far, as I come out with new ideas and ways to interpret this podcast, and not be so concise with whatever is going on in my head, like a rambling ADHD child, I think I can say that, I was diagnosed.
But for my first couple minutes here, or hour, I don't know, it's gonna be like 15 minutes long, and I think today, instead of, oh yeah, today is, it's now, it's Wednesday, so my last episode was on Sunday, today is Wednesday. And I am, I was gonna say that I wanted to do something different than my last episode, I was gonna do less of my rambling, because I look back on it and it wasn't better than the first one, the first and second are not the best right now, in my mind. But I critique it in ways that I want to show you, like I want to, I want to kind of guide what I'm talking about with more of a hearing visual, you know, I can't really show you because it's a podcast, unless I do videos which I will do soon, but I wanted to play around with a couple of, like three short, short songs I made, I'm gonna discuss it with you today, so, hopefully this can help you sort of visualize just creative freedom, you know, there's no boundaries, there's no like, so you don't have to be so, I'm probably gonna hate myself later for making this, but, I don't know why, but, for now, I don't know why I'm doing this, like, I guess I'm here to show you my, one of my top interests, which is why I made this podcast, for me to show you how to be brave in this world, yeah, I'm guessing that's what the point of this podcast is.
If I just talk about art, music, I can be so broad, I can be like, talking about artists, other artists, but instead I'm talking about myself in such a broad way so anybody can relate to it, so you can relate to it, I want you to kind of listen to what I have to say, if there's anybody interested in this podcast, just take it, take the advice, and apply it to your hobbies, whatever, because your hobbies are yours, or whatever you do with your free time, anybody that does exercise or work or little hobbies or whatever, they can take advice from my podcast because I have, like, you know what I mean, like, I can, like, listen, I can, I can explain something, and I'll do it today, I'll explain something, and anybody, watch, anybody can take anything from it, because I'm implying how you can, like, authentically push your brain to, to take something so regular, into something profound, that applies to anything, cooking, exercise, anything I said, you can make the best out of everything, and anything, by knowing that, like, everybody says something different, like, oh, you only live once, and you only, everyone's doing it for the first time, all parents are doing things for the first time, all children are raised up, and, you know, whatever, everyone's raised different, everyone's different, but we're all the same thing, we're just humans, that's what we're called, that's what we are, and we all have similar brains, like, similar body portions and whatever, so, like, once you cut off all the excess bullshit in the world, just, after trying to stay alive, and just, I guess, have fun, my podcast is to teach you how to have fun, that's what I hope to do, wow, that's probably, I want you to do that, you know, like, just have your own time to yourself, whether it's, you know, like, through your highs and lows, if you think a lot, if you want to do a lot of art, if you want to do anything that's progressive in this world, if you want to be a writer, just, just stay ahead of your own self, and treat yourself as something that you're in, like, imagine you're on a boat, sailing on a lake, the boat is yourself, and the lake is your environment, and you're the passenger, so you're just gonna document, journal, you're gonna steer your ship, you're gonna just sightsee, but you can't be on your boat forever, I guess that's what I'm trying to get to, you know, you can't just be on it forever, people get back to land, and when people do, or they go inside of the boat, whatever, I'm just trying to say, when you have your own time to get away from yourself, which is your boat, whatever you're doing, when you get away from yourself, I think that's when you can have the most creative fun, like, look at dreams, for example, in dreams, that's when I believe anybody, that's where you can get your creative flow from, that's where you can decide what you're gonna do next, even if it's random, that's fine, stop trying to make sense of things in order, things are not in order in life, some people might say we're living in hell, or whatever, but I just think, see, that's what happens when you think, just try not to, just do it spontaneously, take something you like, and go at it, have fun at it, so, speaking of, taking something you like, I took Nirvana, the unplugged MTV concert, and I just sampled a few things here, and I'm gonna show you, step by step, what I mean, when I say I can take anything, like, I made these songs in, like, 5 minutes, so, just put it together, spliced it together, it's like an edit, a bit of it, and, this is for anybody that does music, but, the way I'm gonna be talking, I think it implies to any artist out there, so, stay tuned if you care, so, yeah, song 1, here we go, a little bit of a beat, just a bit of repetitive-ness in their examples, a lot of loops, yeah, so, if you're a fan, you probably know what that song is, so, what I did there was, I just took one of the song's intros, the very start of it, and I just put it as the main loop, that's because I like that part, you know, it stuck to me, it just reminded me of some other songs I listen to, or it reminded me of what this could be, or it reminded me of how I could shift from listening to a Nirvana song into, I don't know, my own song, Numa San, or, I think of it as, like, painting a picture for, I'm gonna use Salvador Dali, because I think music is very random, and his art is very random as well, so, so I took this song and I mashed it, like, one of his paintings, Salvador Dali, I just put it together, and I came out with that, and with that, it's just, just fun work, you know, like, there's nothing too hard about doing something like that, and coming out with what you love, because it's about what you love, in the end, it's about what you love. Um, how does this relate to anybody else that's not a musician that's listening? I think, I think music plays a big part in your creative process, so if you could make your own music, that'd be cool, too, it wouldn't just be cool, but it would be, like, is it really all you wanna do? You know, like, can you do something else? Like, can you also do something else? Like, how many things can you juggle? How many things can you do? You know what I mean? When does your portfolio start looking like a, like a bowl of soup? Huh? You know what I mean, man? Like, when does it just become abstract, whatever? And I'm trying to reach that, trying to get to a level where it's, I can't even keep count of, I don't even, to this, right now, I don't even know how many songs I make a day, three or four, and I just save them, and there's probably in the thousands now, just saved, you know, like, I just put in the work, because it's all I think about. This podcast, I guess, it's for people that all they think about is the things they love to do, you know? And they're on this kind of journey to better themselves and further understand themselves.
And, you know, it can only be expressed through their work, on their short ride of life, you know? So, they just put it together, and sometimes you make your own fictional story about it, you know? From non-fiction to fiction, you just put the ideas together, and sometimes it's a lot of pressure, being an artist, putting all these ideas together, so, yeah, so I have a lot of pride for a lot of artists, sure. But I also have some, like, resentment to some, because they don't, it looks like they don't do much, I don't know, I don't know their lives, I just know that I can do more, so I just do more, you know, like, I want to do more, and I end up doing more, because it's what I think about, it's what I do. And the only thing that stopped me is sleeping.
You know what I mean, man? So, I don't know, I think, I don't know, I don't know. What if I don't want to share? I don't know. Okay, let's move on to the next song.
Good evening. Take your life, or take someone else's story, but make something useful out of it. It's like, not key, but it could be one path you lead, who knows.
So, if you catch something with your ear, and that's all it is, you know, it's your ear, just use 100% of your ears, 200% of your ears. Make it darker, make it lighter, make it happier, make it angrier, make it sadder, yeah. Start your career as a messi, and end it minimalistic, whatever, or end it with a bang, or whatever, you know.
My first beats, my first lyrics were pages, hours long, very long. And I kind of cut it down to short, but it's still up to my own experience, you know. I'm not following anyone else's move.
I'm not even following a genre. Speaking of genres, here's me not following one in song three. So, I'll teach you just the randomness of music.
Don't be afraid to get deep with your emotions, just, like, what are you thinking? Like, what is stopping you from just not sharing all of the deep, like, ocean of emotion, you know? Not words, I'm not saying share your deepest secret, I'm just saying, what's stopping you from just permanently bleeding through the song fabric, you know what I mean? Getting in there. And, I guess, part of searching is what I'm talking about here. Getting in there and searching, that's what I mean.
I'm trying to find that. So, just like Pete Rock and CL Smooth, their song Searchin', it's very similar. Except within every corner of life, just search.
You know, don't just stick for nothing. I don't even know how people live with that. But, just keep searching.
Like an animal that digs into the ground, you know, just keep digging. Like, don't stop digging. Don't stop digging.
And searching. And hopefully this podcast helped you with a little bit of clarity, I don't know, what you specifically need, but I can do my best to clear up some artist phlegm, I don't know. Anyways, this is episode three, and I hope you enjoyed it.
Until... Well, I have an assignment to do. So, I'll see you soon, and then I'll see you on Saturday.

Episode 3: How to Leave Yourself to Lead Yourself
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